Saturday, 10 December 2022

Financial Security For Singles

 Being single isn't always easy. There are many things that can make single life quite attractive. But when it comes to finances, you quickly realize that being single also means having to live with many disadvantages.

An unfavorable tax bracket, only one income to be able to pay for the apartment, car, phone, insurance and all the many other things that come up every month. In addition, for many employers, being single means being the one who gets asked to work overtime. After all, you don't have a family to take care of. But employers don't see that you still have a life despite everything.

However, the financial situation, which is often kept secret, is particularly serious. Because many singles try to hide their misery as best as possible so as not to appear as a whiner in front of their friends. The narrow purse has consequences that are not only noticeable now, but also in the future.

If you are single and don't make any provision for old age because you simply don't have the money to invest in insurance, funds, shares or other forms of investment, you will notice this at the latest when things are getting tight for your pension and your income - no matter how high it may be - suddenly disappears.

Then the time has come when you should actually be able to fall back on your savings in order to be able to balance the difference between pension and income as best as possible. However, if there is nothing that has been saved by then, the pension that one is supposed to enjoy can become a rather lonely and spartan affair.

 Good insurance starts with the right account                                         

But before you can even begin to think about retirement provision or saving, you need a checking account that can be used as a reference account and also forms the basis for starting work. Because if you don't have your own account, you can't get your wages paid out and no employer will be tempted to hire the person concerned. Because a cash payment of the income quickly looks like undeclared work. And this is known to be forbidden in Germany.

A suitable checking account for single scan be recognized by the flexible handling and a wide range of possibilities that can arise during use. However, very few banks advertise their checking accounts as single accounts, so you are encouraged to look for suitable offers yourself. A lot of value should be placed on a minimum deposit limit, a free debit card and credit card, low account management fees, online banking and free money withdrawals. It should also be checked that the overdraft facility is offered on favorable terms and that the bank that offers the current account is also easily accessible.

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